Posted by Jesse Lee on March 11, 2010 at 02:57 PM EST
Sometimes it's good to look up close at how a single Recovery Act project is changing a community for the better and putting people to work. Other times it's instructuve to take a few steps back and look at the big picture. As an example of the latter, the web team at the Federal Highway Administration created an online map of the U.S. that shows over 12,000 Recovery Act road projects. Each of the dots represented on the map represents a project. The full, interactive version on the map allows you to click the dots in order to learn more about these projects.

.Secretary Ray LaHood’s Blog talks more about the Recovery Act map:
More important than the number of dots is that every dot in every state represents jobs. And whether we're keeping someone from unemployment or hiring someone back, these Recovery Act projects are creating jobs. Tens of thousands of jobs.
Those dots also add up to a lot of safer, smoother miles for you, your loved ones, and the commercial truck drivers who transport the goods we use from place to place.
In October 2009, President Obama spoke about the benefits that the construction industry was seeing as a result of the Recovery Act, including thousands of highway projects which also helped to create private sector jobs.
What makes these kinds of projects so important isn't just that we're creating so many jobs. It's that we're putting Americans to work doing the work that America needs done. We're rebuilding our crumbling roads, our bridges, our waterways. We've already approved nearly a thousand transportation projects to upgrade airports, railroads, mass transit systems, and shipyards. We're strengthening our nation's infrastructure in ways that will leave lasting benefits to our communities, making them stronger, making them safer, and making them better places to live.
Visit or to learn more about the Recovery Act and projects in different states.
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