Posted by Cammie Croft on March 11, 2010 at 10:16 AM EST

•625 – That’s the number of people who lost their health insurance EVERY HOUR in 2009 [Source:]
Losing insurance – it can happen to anyone. We’ve all heard stories – maybe you know someone who’s recently lost their insurance, maybe that someone is you. President Obama has heard those stories too:
There's the father I met in Colorado whose child was diagnosed with severe hemophilia the day after he was born. Now, they had insurance, but there was a cap on their coverage. So once the child's medical bills began to pile up, the father was left to frantically search for another option, or face tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills.... Small business people -- I got a letter just this week from a small businessman. He said, "I don't know what to do. I've always provided health insurance for my families, but here, the attached bill, shows that the premiums have gone up 48 percent in the last year, and I think that I'm probably going to have to stop providing health insurance for my employees. I don't want to, but I don't have a choice."
These stories are wrong. They are heartbreaking. Nobody should be treated that way in the United States of America…
You can learn more about the family from Colorado in this video:
It’s time to reform our broken health care system so that American families and businesses can get the stability and security they deserve.
Today’s number – 625 – is the third in our ‘Health Reform by the Numbers’ series, an online campaign to raise awareness about how we just can’t wait any longer for health insurance reform. You can follow the campaign on and social networks like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and LinkedIn.
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